• Gummy pucks, 1000mg per container 10 pieces per pack.

Gummies by Bubbie’s Baked Goods are one of the best THC gummies on the market. You can buy Tameless NEW PACKAGING aka Bubbies Edibles at our online store.

The finest edibles, hands down, are weed gummies. They’re bright and flavorful, don’t create a mess, and are always accessible. More significantly, they never wrecked the mood. Gummies manufactured from 100% RAW THC Distillate are called “Pucks.” Each package contains 10 Pucks with 100mg of THC each.

Bubbies Gummies offer just 10 mg each piece, which makes it simple to keep track of how much you’re consuming, as well as not. If you want a little pick-me-up, Sativa Bubbies 1000mg Gummy Pucks would be the way to go.

Note: Recommended dosage is less than 1 piece per serving.


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