Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars
Indulge your senses with Backwoods’ top-quality cigars. These machine-made cigars are carefully rolled in a rustic shape and encased in an authentic Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco wrapper. Their unique flavor blends have made them the preferred choice of blunt wrapper for many popular rap artists, and each pack comes with five cigars in a convenient resealable package. Enjoy the smooth, premium taste of Backwoods cigars, available in classic flavors like Sweet Aromatic, Russian Cream, Honey Berry, and Dark Stout. Perfect for any cigar connoisseur, Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars are sure to give you an unforgettable smoking experience.“Inspired by the wild, enjoyed by all. This fan favorite is a sweet and tasteful combo that you won’t forget anytime soon.”
5x Connecticut Broadleaf Tobacco Cigars
This product contains tobacco. Tobacco smoke increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease, even in nonsmokers. Keep away from minors under 19 years old.
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