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Phellandrene Terpene Everything You Need To Know About It 2 Phellandrene Terpene: Everything You Need To Know About It

Phellandrene Terpene: Everything You Need To Know About It

What Is the Phellandrene Terpene?

Phellandrene terpene has not received the attention it deserves. It isn’t commonly found in cannabis, but it may be found in a variety of natural sources including eucalyptus and mint. Its minty, woody, and citrus scent is easy to overlook. You can buy this product in our boutique.

Phellandrene is a terpene composed of two isomers: alpha- and beta-phellandrene. Phellandrene is a cyclic monoterpine with double-bond isomers, including alpha- and beta-phellandrene, which are not soluble in water but are soluble in ether. They’re really useful in fragrance and cosmetic products because they’re miscible in ether.

Phellandrene has been used in turmeric leaf oil form in Chinese medicine as a treatment for bacterial and fungal diseases. Phellandrene and herbs are also utilized in holistic Eastern medicine to boost energy and minimize phlegm production. Now, due to research, phellandrene is being revealed to have a wide range of medical advantages.

Phellandrene Terpene Everything You Need To Know About It 4 Phellandrene Terpene: Everything You Need To Know About It
Phellandrene Terpene: Everything You Need To Know About It

The name of the compound ‘alpha-phellandrene’ comes from the tree Eucalyptus phellandra, which is now known as Eucalyptus radiata. This terpene has been shown to cause explosive peroxides in presence of haut temperatures in air.

It’s not as common in cannabis strains as other primary terpenes, but it is found in some and may have a variety of medical uses. While additional study is required on the medical effects of phellandrene, preliminary research suggests promising outcomes.

Cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids work together in the cannabis plant to provide a variety of therapeutic effects. The Entourage Effect refers to this synergistic interaction between four hundred chemical compounds, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

The cannabis flower contains glandular trichomes, which are cannabinoids and terpenes. Terpenes contribute to the scent and flavor of different strains, as well as being important to the cannabis experience.

Pinene, humulene, ocimene, limonene, myrcene, linalool, terpinolene, and caryophyllene are the most well-known terpenes. Phellandrene is one of many other compounds with a variety of healing advantages.

Phellandrene is a secondary terpene present in several eucalyptus species. Its scent is herbaceous, woody, minty, and somewhat citrus-like and has been used in holistic medicine for its antibacterial effects.

This post will look at the latest evidence supporting the terpene Phellandrene’s potential, as well as its applications and advantages within the Cannabis Plant.

What is Phellandrene? 

Phellandrenes phellandrene and beta-phellandrene have previously been mistaken for pinene and limonene. Researchers discovered that they are two distinct isomeric compounds rather than one after analyzing eucalyptus oil.

Phellandrenes phellandrene and beta-phellandrene were frequently mistaken for pinene and limonene in the past. Researchers discovered that they are two distinct isomeric compounds instead of one after conducting tests on eucalyptus oil.

Phellandrene, in addition to having a variety of health benefits, is known to boost energy levels, decrease pain, and serve as an anti-cancer agent. It’s also used in cosmetics and fragrances because of its lovely scent and rapid penetration into the skin.

Phellandrene Aroma

Phellandrene is a natural fragrance ingredient that’s frequently used by scent producers attempting to create a fresh and woody scent. It has notes of mint, pepper, and wood with undertones of citrus.

Phellandrene Terpene Effects

Alpha-phellandrene is said to boost energy and alleviate pain and inflammation, which may help with relaxation and quality of life.

Phellandrene Terpene Benefits

Because phellandrene is a secondary terpene present in low amounts in cannabis strains, little research has been conducted. The limited evidence available is on animal models rather than human participants. Researchers have discovered that alpha-phellandrene has anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, anti-cancer, and analgesic effects.

Phellandrene: What Can It Do for Me?

Due to the dearth of study, it’s impossible to determine. Studies have been hampered by federal prohibition. For a long time, organic compounds such as alpha-phellandrene and beta-phellandrene were used in holistic therapy and were first recognized over a century ago. Researchers previously thought that these chemicals comprised of pinene and limonene.

Researchers discovered that the chemicals in eucalyptus oil were composed of a pair of isomeric compounds rather than one, as previously assumed.

Phellandrene is easy to absorb. As a result, it has become a popular addition to cosmetic products, like many other terpenes. It is ‘mysterious,’ but you can find it in essential oils such as:

  • Lavender
  • Pine
  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger grass

The two organic chemicals have comparable chemical properties and molecular structures. They are monoterpenes with ‘double-bond’ isomers, which are technically known as alpha-phellandrene is present in eucalyptus oil. Beta-phellandrene is extracted from the oils of Canadian balsam and water fennel.

The two chemicals are immiscible. This means you can combine them in ether. You may create a cologne or perfume comparable to the ones you buy if you combine them with ether.

You might be benefiting from phellandrene if you enjoy woodsy scents. These components may be found in dill potato salad, cinnamon French toast, or maybe mint chocolate chip ice cream in culinary applications.

Final Thoughts on Phellandrene & Terpenes

Phellandrene has possible therapeutic benefits, although research is limited. Even if it’s a helpful terpene, the amounts are so tiny that they won’t make much of a difference. If this seems to be an issue, modern breeders and researchers may have provided a solution. Proponents of terpenes believe that focusing on increasing terpene content after harvest rather than just achieving a high THC ou CDB level is critical.

There are now several vape businesses selling e-liquids that include 20% terpenes, 40% THC, and 40%, respectively. If researchers determine that phellandrene, or any other terpene for that matter, is genuinely useful, you can bet someone will market it!

There are already hundreds of marijuana strains, many of which are THC or CBD focused. In the future, it appears that a shift away from terpenes is unavoidable, and it has already begun. If terpenes are the way forward, cannapreneurs with a plan will find a means to distribute them in greater amounts to the general public.

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