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Buying Weed Online in Calgary, Alberta

Calgary, Alberta is Canada’s third-largest city and boasts a wide array of features that make it one of the most attractive cities to either visit or live in in Canada. For one, Calgary has a reputation as one of Canada’s biggest money-makers, with Alberta boasting highly profitable industries such as the oil industry.

buy Buy Weed Calgary
buy Buy Weed Calgary

And on the whole, Calgary is Alberta’s prime destination for a stoner. Not only that, but it’s one of the best cities in all of Canada if you’re looking to blaze. Because Calgary, perhaps more than any other city in the country, is a melting pot of things to do. Again, you can check out Alberta’s beautiful landscape. You can go to a museum, or a concert, or a play, or a sporting event. Or you can just sit in your room, while everyone else deals with the cold winters.

Weed Legalization in Calgary, Alberta

Cannabis is legal in Alberta, but:

  • seulement si vous avez 18 ans et plus ;
  • uniquement dans les magasins agréés ;
  • 30 grammes est le maximum que vous pouvez acheter ou transporter à la fois ;
  • vous ne pouvez pas consommer dans certains lieux publics – connaissez vos lois locales ;
  • seules 4 plantes peuvent être cultivées par ménage ;
  • conduire sous l'effet de la drogue est illégal ;
  • il ne doit pas être à la portée de quiconque dans un véhicule ;
  • les produits comestibles sont légaux, mais il faudra un certain temps avant qu'ils ne soient disponibles à la vente ;
  • les enfants ne peuvent pas entrer dans les magasins de cannabis, même avec un adulte.

How Much Weed You Can Possess?

Cannabis is regulated in Canada by a combination of federal, provincial and municipal rules. Here’s an overview of what you should know about each level of government’s regulations. Cannabis may be consumed on private property in any form (smoking, vaping, or edibles). 30 grams of dried cannabis or equivalent is the most you can buy or carry in public at a time.

What to Do in Calgary after You Get Weed?

Recently, Vice called Alberta the weed capital of Canada. It’s an unusual choice, because for the stoner, Calgary has never loomed large in the imagination. With two rivers and plenty of green space, Calgary could be the next great stop on the stoner’s vacation, as it’s a great place to hang out whether you want to catch some local music, marvel at the natural environment or just get stoned and walk by the river. (A note, though: it’s not legal to consume cannabis in public in Calgary, which could land you with a $100 ticket. So be careful, or better yet, find somewhere safe and private to smoke up before you hit the town.)