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Cannabis microdosing 1 Cannabis Microdosing Guide

Cannabis Microdosing Guide

Microdosing cannabis allows you to reap the benefits of weed without hindering your productivity. You won’t get high (or maybe you will, but only a little bit), which means you can enjoy everything else the plant has to offer while remaining clearheaded and responsible.

Microdosing cannabis can refer to taking small doses of THC and/or CBD. Some say this method may help reduce the likelihood of experiencing weed’s typical side effects while also potentially providing a more pleasant experience for sensitive smokers. Keep reading below to learn everything there is to know about microdosing cannabis.

Why Microdose Cannabis?

By determining your own optimal dose, microdosing cannabis provides the beneficial qualities of smoking weed while removing some negative aspects.

The ideal microdose offers users emotional and mental elevation without the negative side effects of paranoia, feeling overwhelmed, or being unable to function. Additionally, your surroundings will seem brighter and you may find yourself more talkative than usual.

When done correctly, microdosing provides individuals the benefits of smoking or consuming weed without critically altering their mindset. Therefore, it’s useful for people who want to improve productivity and focus on everyday tasks.

What Are the Benefits of Microdosing Marijuana?

Some smokers want to get as high as possible every time they use cannabis, but others prefer microdosing THC. Why?   Every has different reasonsfor their preference, but here are some of the benefits ofmicrodosing that most attract users:

  • It’s a good place to start: How did you feel the first time you smoked weed? With modern strains being more potent, beginners often find themselves feeling overwhelmed. By taking small doses and slowly increasing each session, it allows for a smoother transition into cannabis use. You’re also able to figure out how much works for you without taking too big of a leap.
  • Helps to minimise side effects: Similar to other substances, cannabis has a few drawbacks. Microdosing weed lets people enjoy some of its positives – likehelp with pain management and Appetite stimulation – without as many negatives like bloodshot eyes, cottonmouth, or paranoia.
  • Increases focus: According to people who regularly microdose cannabis, it helps them focus more than taking a normal or high dose, which some find they cannot handle as well.
  • Enhances creativity: The same principle applies to creativity. Some artists and musicians do better with large doses of cannabis before they start creating, while others find that microdosing helps them maintain focus and come up with new ideas more easily.
  • Helps during withdrawal: If you’re looking to give up cannabis use or take a tolerance break, microdosing with THC can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. Though it might not make sense at first, gradually taking less and less THC over time can actually reset your endocannabinoid system more effectively than quitting all at once.

Cannabis microdosing 4 Cannabis Microdosing Guide

How Much Cannabis To Microdose

Because there is no set definition, how much you should microdose will differ from person to person. It’s completely your call. For some, one hit off a dab pen might suffice as a microdose. Others might need an entire joint of low-THC weed. We each have different levels of tolerance and experience, so it varies quite a bit from individual to individual.

Different methods of consuming cannabis products will result in different doses. For example, if you smoke marijuana, take a hit every minute until you find your desired dose. However, edibles are eats or drinks that contain THC; they affect the body differently and take longer to kick in. So it is best to start slow with just a few nibbles and then wait an hour or two before indulging further.

  • A good general rule to follow: start low and slow. If you’re considering microdosing during the workweek, be cautious so that you don’t inadvertently run into your boss while under the influence. Start by trying to find your sweet spot at home in the evenings. Once you’re confident you’ve got it down, start introducing microdoses into your daily routine.

Smoking Cannabis

Cannabis flowers are classified into three different potency ranges based on their THC content. These include:

  • Weak: <10%
  • Average: 10–20%
  • Strong: >20%

Before you microdose smoked cannabis, make sure to figure out how much THC is in your joint. Use this equation:

Milligrams of dried bud × % THC

For example, if you have 5 grams of a strain with an average THC content of 15%, here’s the calculation you would use:

500mg × 0.15 = 75mg

To work out how much of the 75mg you should take for your microdose,follow this simple strategy: For most smokers, simply rolling a joint, taking a puff and waiting 20 minutes works. However, if you want to be more precise with your calculations, use the following approach.

Although more research still needs to be done, current studies are not promising when it comes to microdosing cannabis. In an attempt to understand what a standard microdose looks like, a pharma-tech company in Israel conducted a study[1] with 27 subjects. They observed no cognitive impairment in participants who inhaled both 1,000-microgram (1mg) and 500-microgram doses .

Therefore, how much of the bud in our example contains 1mg THC? About 6.7 mg. If you desire to be more accurate with your dosing, you’re going to need a milligram scale and tweezers at minimum; however, having a steady hand and patience will also help improve your results. Place this amount into a bong or pipe bowl, or mix it evenly with other herbs if joint rolling is more your style.

Eating Cannabis

When microdosing edibles, thing are more simple especially with the introduction of products available on the market catering to this practice. The three dose ranges broken down look like this:

  • Microdose: 1–2mg
  • Average dose: 5–10mg
  • Large dose: 50mg and above

How to Microdose Cannabis

Now that you understand the THC levels in smoked cannabis and edibles, let’s learn how to properly microdose weed. Remember these tips for the best results:

  • Start low and slow: To feel the benefits of cannabis while minimizing any negative consequences, start with a small amount and increase it incrementally.
  • Keep a journal: Be sure to write down everything, including the amount you took, what time it was when you took it, how it made you feel both physically and mentally, the effects it had on your body, and for how long those effects lasted.
  • Know your tolerance: If you use cannabis regularly, your THC tolerance will be high;1mg doses wouldn’t give you the same effect. The converse is true if you’ve never smoked before – start with a low dose and increase gradually.


The impacts of smoking set in rapidly. Some ways to smoke include joints, spliffs, bongs, pipes and blunts. Use a small amount of flower to start by using the equation mentioned above or take more hits from a joint only when you want a microdose.


Vaping also provides a fast onset, without some of the harmful byproducts linked to combustion. Many vapes let users adjusting operating temperatures. For efficiently converting THCA into THC, you’ll need to heat your device up to 105ºC. Keep boosting the temperature to access various terpenes. You’ll eventually figure out which temp works best for microdosing cannabis through experimentation . Like with smoking start slow by taking one hit at first , and then see how you feel before having more .


The effects of eating cannabis are more potent than smoking or vaping, but this is not a problem when working with such small doses. Also, because edibles send THC through the digestive tract, it takes longer to feel their effect. You can microdose by learning how to make and dose your own food product, or purchasing a pre-made product if it’s legal in your country. Start out with as little as 1mg of THC and gradually increasedosage until you find what feels just right for you – your “goldilocks” zone.


Tinctures are simple to prepare in your own home. You can also use the equation provided earlier to determine how much you need for a microdose, once you know the THC content of your plant material. Start with around 1mg of THC. Tincture can be taken orally by swallowing, or for faster absorption, place some drops under the tongue (sublingual).

Microdosing THC vs CBD

For many cannabis users, microdosing THC is effective. However, this primary psychoactive cannabinoid only represents a percentage of the cannabinoids present in the plant. In recent years, CBD has become increasingly popular for its relaxing and clear-headed effects. As the second most prominent cannabinoid in most cultivars, CBD plays an important role in cannabis culture today. Although it’s non-intoxicating, CBD doesn’t work well for everyone. Its mild side effects can also reduce the psychoactive effects of THC if you take too much. You won’t get high from taking any amount of CBD, but microdosing may be a good idea for those looking to experiment with its benefits.

How Does Microdosing Cannabis Work?

For a lot of pot smokers, waiting to smoke large amounts over a shorter period of time is the norm. You might roll up a few grams when the day begins to wind down. Or wait to go hard on weekends with your smoking buddies. joint while you’re at it!

  • Microdosing cannabis involves the polar opposite strategy: Smoking little and often is the key to enjoying minor effects without getting too high. Just take a hit from your vape pen or joint every now and then, and you’ll be good to go.

Although it might not be for everyone, being on the cusp of high and sober has its benefits. You could find more enjoyment in life, and you may get more things done during daylight hours.

Cannabis microdosing 3 Cannabis Microdosing Guide

What Are the Benefits of Microdosing CBD?

It is more effective to space out your CBD intake throughout the day. By doing this, you are able to microdose which will help sustain the effect. It also allows you to reduce side effects if you are prone to them.

Enjoy CBD All Day Long

If you want to feel the effects of CBD all day, it’s better to space out your dosage throughout the day instead of taking it all at once. That way, you’ll experience a more subtle and consistent effect. When you take all your CBD in one go, you’ll only feel the benefits for a couple hours.

CBD microdosing allows users to feel the long-term effects of CBD. For example, if you take a small dose once per hour, you will remain in a positive mindset all day.

Take CBD at Critical Points

If you need it, microdosing allows for smaller doses taken as opposed to normal dosages with breakfast or just before sleep. If you take a large dose in the morning…you likely won’t feel much effects later on in the day. However, if you choose instead to microdose by saving some of your daily total dosage amount, then you can use it more strategically right before that important meeting or presentation.

Less CBD, Fewer Side Effects

CBD is safe for most people to use, and many don’t experience any side effects. But some users have reported feeling tired, having a dry mouth, or not being as hungry after taking CBD. To avoid these side effects, Gradually introduce CBD into your body throughout the day with microdosing..

Mix Products

Dividing your CBD doses into microdoses gives you the freedom to customize your intake by mixing and matching different products. You can distribute your normal daily CBD intake among products with different carrier oils, concentrations, and terpenes without any restrictions.

How To Calculate a CBD Microdose?

Finding your perfect microdose of CBD relies on the amount you’re currently taking daily. After you figure out how much is required to deliver a desirable outcome, space that dosage evenly throughout the day.

If you are new to CBD, we recommend starting with a 10% oil. Take one drop (5mg) per day for the first week and then increase by one drop each day until you reach your ideal dose as determined by our CBD Dosage Calculator according to the strength of your chosen oil and your body weight.

How To Microdose CBD

After finding your perfect CBD dose, it’s time to move on to deciding how often you’ll take it. Will it be a daily ritual or utilized only when needed? There are many ways administer the cannabinoid, so choose the method that best fits your lifestyle.

CBD Microdosing Schedule

After finding your perfect dose, you can evenly distribute it throughout the day. For example, if you’re feeling good taking a daily dose of 25mg from a 10% CBD oil, you could break it down like this:

You can customize your experience by taking your dose(s) whenever you like. Maybe you want to feel relaxed before bed? Or maybe you’d prefer a more tangible effect in the afternoon?

CBD Oil Capsules

Capsules are one of the simplest ways to take CBD oil, and they can be easily integrated into an existing CBD routine. The only downside to capsules is that each one contains a set dose. If you’re interested in microdosing with capsules, we recommend starting with a lower concentration of CBD. For best results, take your capsule(s) alongside a small snack for improved digestion and greater absorption of the CBD by your body.

Sublingual CBD Oil

CBD oil is one of the most convenient methods to microdose CBD. You maintain almost complete control over how much you consume at once. Sublingual administration involves placing drops of CBD oil under your tongue where it then enters into your bloodstream through the capillaries. The effects from taking CBD in this way are felt more quickly than other methods. Additionally, you can take CBD oil with you wherever and whenever, whether that’s on your commute or at work.

Smoking CBD Flower

Smoking CBD flower is a quick and effective way to get the cannabinoid into your system. You’ll also get a dose of terpenes, which many users find enjoyable.

However, it’s slightly harder to administer a controlled microdose when smoking. Every variable, from the potency of your flowers to how deeply you inhale, will change the amount of CBD entering your body. This makes it more difficult than other methods (such as tinctures) to know exactly how much you are taking.

You have two choices: If you want to be more precise with your doses, then using a milligram scale is the way to go. You can weigh out small portions of high-CBD flower and work out an ideal dose that way. For example, around 0.5 grams of high-CBD flower contains approximately 70mg of CBD.

Vaping CBD Flower

Vaping is significantly healthier for you than smoking cannabis. When you vape, the lower temperatures mean that your lungs are not exposed to high levels of carcinogens.

Vaping is also an effective means of enjoying the benefits of cannabis without having to smoke it, which preserving the flavors and terpenes. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about showing up to work smelling like cannabis smoke. You can use the same calculations mentioned aboveto determine how much weed you should pack into your vape for each microdose.

Microdosing THC and CBD: Why Not Try It?

Some people will try to sell you the idea that stronger cannabis is always better. However, we disagree. Different people benefit from different weed strains, potencies, and quantities depending on how their bodies react to THC and CBD. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed while high or experience negative side effects,microdosing THC, CBD—or both—might be a good solution for you.

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