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whats the difference between dabbing and vaping 13 Cannabis Basics: Dabbing and Vaping

Cannabis Basics: Dabbing and Vaping

Dabbing and vaping are two popular methods of consuming cannabis in today’s environment. Both techniques have their own set of advantages, making them among the most common means to consume cannabis nowadays.

Though the classic joint has been around for decades, there are now much better ways to consume cannabis that are stealthier, healthier and more practical.

There are a variety of methods to inhale cannabis, and two that top the charts are vaping and using dab rigs. Vaping is an ideal way to consume cannabis without taking in cancer-causing byproducts that come from smoking. Additionally, vapes can be very discreet since they don’t give off much smell and they can look like normal vape pens or cigarettes

Then again, dabbing provides a potent way to heat up cannabis concentrates while still delivering a clean high. In the end, it depends on the individual and their preferences as to which method they prefer. Let’s explore the benefits of each below and see which one may be best for you.

Dabbing and vaping

Dabbing and vaping are two methods of getting baked that have their own sets of advantages. If you enjoy being active when high or taking tiny puffs here and there throughout the day, vaping is probably for you.

If you prefer to stay at home and get monumentally high using cannabis extracts and the best dank you can get your hands on, then you are probably more of a dab person.

However, there are a few vapes on the market that can process cannabis oils, resulting in a mix of the two technologies. However, for individuals who enjoy the rawness and heat of dabbing cannabis extracts directly onto a rig, this may not be sufficient.

whats the difference between dabbing and vaping 14 Cannabis Basics: Dabbing and Vaping


Vaping is a more complex technology than dabbing that heats cannabis flower or extracts to a specific degree using electrical systems. Vaping temperatures these things to the point where THC is released, but not to the point where combustion occurs. This simply implies that the material isn’t breaking down into dangerous byproducts that are then breathed in by the user.

Therefore, vaping can provide consumers with similar effects as smoking, all the while eliminating the harmful elements of the activity. This is important, especially to those who are health-conscious and do what they can to avoid exposure to harmful substances. While cannabis on its own is largely safe, burning the substance can result in the release of several different toxins.

Cannabis smokers who are suffering from lung problems might want to consider switching to vaporizing in order to alleviate any apparent symptoms. This isn’t just based on theory or guesswork. A 2010 research published in The International Journal on Drug Policy looked at how vaping affected respiratory symptoms among cannabis users.

The results of the study displayed that 12 frequent cannabis smokers showed significant improvements in respiratory symptoms. The authors state that vaporizers have a great potential for administering medical cannabis and could even serve as a harm reduction technique.

Dabbing is believed to be healthier than smoking. This is due in part to extracts’ high level of purity and very few contaminants (when processed correctly). However, the nail on a dab rig is heated to an incredibly high temperature and therefore, combustion does take place.


THC is gradually liberated by convection heating in high-quality vapes. This means that the plant material isn’t directly heated to a hot plate, as is the case with dabbing. Instead, the surrounding air is warmed, releasing the chemicals after they have been absorbed. This form of heating leads to what appears to be a healthier type of inhalation because it avoids scorching and burning the plant material.

This type of heating also leads to less benzene exposure. This carcinogen is released when cannabis is heated past 185 degrees Celsius. Some vapes may exceed this temperature if used on a high setting. However, keeping a device at a lower setting can help to limit vulnerability to this potentially harmful chemical.

To use a dab, you need to place it on an extremely hot nail that has been heated with a blowtorch. The heat will allow the cannabinoids in the extract to be released.

whats the difference between dabbing and vaping 2 Cannabis Basics: Dabbing and Vaping


Further research has suggested that vaping ranks highest as the method of intake posing the least amount of side effects. Consumers claim that vaping might initiate a more clear-headed high due to the lack of smoke and other compounds inhaled.

Vaping may also serve as a more efficient and dose-specific way to get high. This is because many vapes can still be effectively used with very short and weak inhalations, meaning the consumer can carefully monitor how high they are getting and control it as such.

On the other side, joints and bongs generally need enormous intakes of breaths to pull smoke out of the lungs, often resulting in a big breath that results in coughing and a less controlled manner of administration.

Although not ranked as well as vapes when it comes to adverse side effects, dabbing does serve as an excellent way to administer massive amounts of cannabinoids in a short period of time – and one that is still healthier than smoking.

For these reasons, it’s attractive for folks who require a lot of medical marijuana every day or want to experience the biggest possible recreational high.

whats the difference between dabbing and vaping 21 Cannabis Basics: Dabbing and Vaping


Price is a major consideration for many people when choosing their preferred smoking device. Experienced smokers may be willing to spend a lot of money to add another beautiful piece to their collection, while casual smokers may just be looking for something that works well and is cheap. As with any other market, price determines quality.

You can purchase a standard dab rig or vape for around the same price. Both devices come in various sizes and shapes, from smaller and cheaper models to larger ones like volcano vapes and gigantic dab rigs. Here are some excellent choices to help you get started.

Dr. Dabber Aurora

The Dr. Dabber Aurora is a hybrid that combines the best of both dabbing and vaping. This pen may vape concentrates while still retaining the taste of a dab. If you enjoy dabbing but appreciate the portability and stealthiness of a vape pen, this gadget is for you.

Glass Oil Rig Blaze Splash Guard

This dab rig is a sleek, 35cm device that’s great for oil inhaling attachments. It’s also very portable and sturdy with 4mm thick glass.

Glass Oil Rig Blaze Turbine Ice

At 30cm tall and 5mm thick, this Pyrex product is a great device for quick and easy dab hits at home. The nail is housed in a chamber from where vapour is drawn into a water chamber and then makes its way into a two-stage diffuser.


There are several advantages to both dabbing and vaping, and each can be used depending on the situation. Vaping is the healthier option, as studies have shown that it protects the body from ingesting toxins released during combustion.

Vapes are also more accessible and practical to use in many situations. With vapes, smokers can enjoy cannabinoids just about anywhere without having to worry about the smell or lingering smoke. Plus, they’re usually cheaper than other methods!

Due to the big and delicate structure of most dab rigs, dabs are more suited to a fixed location. Dabbing, on the other hand, is an efficient and powerful means to swiftly distribute high doses of cannabis into the body. Combustion does take place when dabbing, although it is thought that this method is healthier than smoking.

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