Gas and Roses , also known as “Gas’N Roses,” “Gas N Roses,” or “Gas & Roses,” is a slightly sativa-dominant hybrid strain (60% sativa/40% indica) that results from a powerful cross of Lemon Kush, (True OG x Black Dog), and Red Rosebud strains. True to its name, Gas + Roses is famed for its intoxicating aroma, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both an energetic boost and a relaxing wind-down as the day comes to an end. The scent of Gas + Roses perfectly matches its intriguing name, blending the rich fragrance of flowery roses with sugary berries and the unmistakable skunky, gassy diesel undertones. On the palate, this strain leans toward the sweeter side, offering a delightful taste of sugary berries, fruity grapes, sour citrus, and a floral rose finish. With a THC content of 31%, Gas + Roses is a potent strain that delivers a dynamic high. The effects hit hard and fast, beginning with a burst of vibrant energy that leaves you feeling uplifted, sociable, and chatty. This initial rush of euphoria gradually gives way to a soothing relaxation that can lead to a deeply sedative and sleepy state, making it a versatile choice for both daytime and evening use, depending on your mood and needs. The strain’s robust terpene profile, featuring Limonene, Myrcene, Caryophyllene, and Linalool, contributes to its unique flavor and multifaceted effects. Limonene adds a bright citrus note and uplifting effects, while Myrcene and Caryophyllene provide earthy, spicy tones that enhance relaxation. Linalool, known for its calming properties, rounds out the experience with a subtle floral essence. Thanks to its high THC levels and balanced effects, Gas + Roses is often chosen to manage conditions such as chronic fatigue, chronic pain, chronic stress, depression, and insomnia. Whether you’re looking to kickstart a social evening or ease into a restful night, Gas + Roses offers a well-rounded, powerful experience that satisfies on all fronts.